
The Allam Cycle fires up

Last April the town of Laporte, Texas, was the setting for what could prove to be a turning point in the losing battle against carbon…

Environmentalism 4.0

Global leaders at the latest World Economic Forum 2018 Meeting in Davos were talking about “the Fourth Industrial Revolution”, the drastic changes that technology, Artificial…

Cockatoo Island Crane. Photo credit: Boyd159

Cockatoo Island

Located in Sydney Harbour, Australia, Cockatoo Island, between 1839 and 1869, operated as a convict penal establishment, for convicts who had re-offended in the colonies….

This is how Big Oil will die

It’s 2025, and 800,000 tons of used high strength steel is coming up for auction. The steel made up the Keystone XL pipeline, finally completed…

Bright Lights, Green City

How a handful of community organizers got the biggest city in America to take on the one of the most powerful industries on Earth. Some…